Born into a family of accountants, Jamie rebelled as a day-dreaming chef who peeled his last carrot aged 17, swapping apron for broom to sweep the floors of a film studio. Unless there’s something behind him, he can honestly say he’s never looked back.
Having spent years honing the craft and carving out a niche, Jamie now directs comedy – but with a couple of Cannes Lions to show for it, it’s no laughing matter. His eye and passion for the camera has also fueled a unique ‘collection’ of observational stills that document the quirks of our species. He has directed for such clients including BMW, McDonalds, Mars, Kellogg’s and BT to name but a few. His success is largely due to his talents in directing natural, fluid performances with interesting casting, combining this with subtle and realistic humor.
Most recently Jamie has just finished a series of films for Sun Bingo – The&Partnership, Reeses – Havas, BT – Saatchi & Saatchi.